It’s Almost Mental Wellness Month!
When most people think about the end of December and the New Year ahead, the term New Year’s resolutions can’t help but come to mind. But January is also deemed Mental Wellness Month and now is the time to prepare for it.
Although the mainstream discussion of mental health and wellness may be relatively new in our society, mental wellness activities like meditation have been around for thousands of years. More recently, such exercises have been incorporated into the treatment of substance use disorders.
Perhaps you’ve tried to meditate in the past and forgotten to continue the practice, maybe you’ve had it on your to-do list for longer than you’d like and haven’t gotten around to it, or it could be something you’ve never even considered.
This year end might be the perfect time for you to give meditation a chance. Lucky for you, there are several ways to get started.
Attend a Group Meditation
For those of us who would like to practice meditation in a community, several options exist. A quick internet search for “free meditation groups in Las Vegas” results in a number of local options.
Venues range from yoga studios to meditation centers or monasteries, with many holding daily meditation groups that are open to the public.
Watch a YouTube Video
Guided meditations are also plentiful on YouTube. Choose a themed video that suits you and spend as little as 5 minutes meditating, or more if you have the time.
Download an App
Apps offer another option that involves letting a guided meditation come to you. There is no shortage of apps ready for download. Simply download, press play, and enjoy a guided meditation wherever you are.
Sit Down and Meditate
If you prefer, begin by simply taking a moment to sit down, close your eyes, and focus your attention on your breath and the present moment. All you need is a moment to yourself, and your meditation practice can begin.
No matter how you get started, do your best to keep at it and make meditation a regular practice.
Mindfulness Meditation for Substance Use Disorders
Years of research demonstrates the promise of mindfulness practices such as meditation for intervening in substance use disorders and preventing relapse. In fact, meditation is only one of several complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies that may be employed during addiction treatment.
By engaging in mindfulness meditation, you can cultivate mindful traits that help you decrease emotional, cognitive, and behavioral tendencies that previously sustained substance misuse.
Being mindful helps you develop new skills, such as being nonreactive when distressing thoughts surface. Instead, your focus is on simply observing and accepting your thoughts, feelings, perceptions, and sensations.
Meditation is called a practice because it requires just that: practice. While there are benefits to gain from a single meditation session, when meditation is practiced long-term, even greater benefits stand to be gained.
With so many benefits, there’s no need to wait until January; get a jump start on Mental Wellness Month by starting your meditation practice today.
Get Help for Addiction at Desert Hope
Are you or someone you love struggling with addiction? Please know that recovery is possible. If you’re ready to get sober in the New Year, reach out for help now.
Desert Hope Treatment Center—a drug rehab in Las Vegas, NV—provides evidence-based treatment in a beautiful facility.
Compassionate admissions navigators are available 24/7 to answer your questions and help you start the admissions process. Call now.
Wondering if your health insurance coverage can help with the cost of rehab? Take a moment and now.